MedGlobalSearch is your search for clinics and doctors around the world

MedGlobalSearch by numbers:

9 792 356


23 511


893 408


12 435 631

Visitors per month

Your Companion in Medical Tourism

MedGlobalSearch is an international medical tour company for selecting clinics and organizing treatment

We provide a wide selection of hospitals and services for all customer requests. Choose a country, healthcare center, medical vacation packages, consult specialists, calculate cost for treatment and travel. Using MedGlobalSearch, you can organize your treatment quickly, efficiently and reliably. Our clients safety and quality of care are the most valuable aspects of our work.

  • 831 clinics

    Each medical facility undergoes strict selection. Our doctors visit medical centers in person to ensure that our patients are in safe hands.

    Hospital ranking policy
  • 58 coordinators

    Certified doctors treat each patient. They help prepare documents, select a place and supervise patients at every stage.

    Meet our team
  • 3529 reviews

    Each patient’s experience and opinion are important to us: we publish reviews regardless of whether they are positive or not.

    Reviews policy

Navigating Your Medical Journey Abroad

Popular medical centers

We provide a wide selection of hospitals and services in all areas. We conducted a thorough check of all clinics before placing them.

How MedGlobalSearch works

  • Choose your destination

    Decide on the country or healthcare center you would like to visit. We offer a wide selection of hospitals around the world, each offering services in all medical destinations.

  • Package selecting

    Choose the service options that suit you best. Our specialists will advise you at all stages and provide help with your choice. Together we will find a solution that aligns with your request.

  • Trip organization

    We value your comfort. After approval, our coordinators will help you organize your trip, from the very first stage of paperwork completion to your return flight home.

  • On-site support

    During your medical trip, our specialists will always be there to help and support you. You can reach out to them for any issues you may have, they will be glad to make your treatment comfortable.

  • Follow-up supportе

    Even after your treatment is over, we will always be in touch to help you and answer all your questions. We take care of our clients even after they return home.

Selecting the Right Medical Tourism Package

Check out all the destinations offered by medical tourism agents and choose the one that suits you best.

Dental medicine

  • Dental implants

  • Mini implants

  • Composite veneers

  • Lumineers

  • Ceramic veneers

  • Endodontics (Canal treatment)

Plastic surgery

  • Breast lift

  • Face lift

  • Rhinoplasty (nose job)

  • Blepharoplasty

  • Liposuction

  • Abdominoplasty


  • Mastectomy

  • Chemotherapy

  • Liver cancer resection

  • Kidney removal

  • Thyroid gland resection

  • Colon cancer surgery


  • Kidney transplant

  • Heart transplant

  • Pancreas transplant

  • Liver transplant

  • Lung transplant

  • Heart and lung transplant

Dental medicine

  • Dental implants

  • Mini implants

  • Composite veneers

  • Lumineers

  • Ceramic veneers

  • Endodontics (Canal treatment)

Plastic surgery

  • Breast lift

  • Face lift

  • Rhinoplasty (nose job)

  • Blepharoplasty

  • Liposuction

  • Abdominoplasty


  • Mastectomy

  • Chemotherapy

  • Liver cancer resection

  • Kidney removal

  • Thyroid gland resection

  • Colon cancer surgery


  • Kidney transplant

  • Heart transplant

  • Pancreas transplant

  • Liver transplant

  • Lung transplant

  • Heart and lung transplant